Welcome to the chaplaincy


Chaplaincy at ESNEFT

Here in the chaplaincy we work with patients, carers, families, friends and staff to care for the human spirit by providing a confidential listening ear and non-judgmental support.

We aim to provide an inclusive service for people of all faiths, and beliefs, recognizing each person as an individual and respecting their values, age, gender, disability, cultural, and sexual orientation.

What do chaplains do?

We routinely visit wards and departments, supporting patients, their families, carers and staff by providing:

  • pastoral, cultural, religious, and spiritual support
  • a confidential, non-judgmental ‘listening ear’
  • a resource of advice and support to meet specific religious requests when required
  • an educational resource to staff in a variety of areas
  • a 24-hour, 365 day urgent response to support patients and staff

There is normally a chaplain around during the day between 8am and 4pm. However, if you would like to speak to us at any time of the day or night, there is usually a chaplain on call 24 hours who you can contact via the appropriate switchboard. Alternatively your clinical team can also help you get in touch with us.

Community and multi-faith links

We have links with community clergy and various faith tradition visitors. If you wish we can make contact with a specific faith tradition leader to support you.

Get in contact with the chaplaincy

If you would like support from a chaplain, a member of the community clergy or a representative of your own faith, please contact us through the on-call chaplain via the appropriate switchboard

Referring to us when you are not not the patient or their representative

We will accept referrals from leaders of community groups as well as faith and belief group leaders.

To make a referral please email chaplaincy@esneft.nhs.uk providing as much information as you can to help us identify the person you are referring. This information should include their name and the ward the person is on. Please be aware of patient confidentiality.

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