Elmstead Day Surgery Unit
We can be reached via a link corridor from the main building (ground Floor) or via Constable Wing. We also have some disabled parking near our unit and patients can be dropped off there.
Most day surgery procedures are carried out in the Elmstead Day Surgery Unit itself.
Some of patients may have their operation elsewhere within the trust, but then come to Elmstead Day unit and are discharged via us later on that same day .
Others may be admitted as inpatients but ultimately do not require an overnight bed on the day, this may be due to changes in their surgery or anaesthesia. These patients will also be discharged home via Elmstead
The unit has 5 operating theatres with 32 single adult day surgery cubicles, fitted out with trollies, in addition to a post anaesthetic recovery suite consisting of 7 adult and 4 children’s bays.
If you are a patient in the Elmstead Day Surgery Unit at Colchester Hospital, you must have a responsible adult to collect you and stay with you overnight when you get home. Traveling on public transport is not permitted after surgery
The Day Surgery Unit can only prescribe medication that you cannot buy over the counter so remember to check your home stock of pain relief remedies before you come in. We can, however, prescribe medication that is prescription only.
Elmstead Day Unit Surgical Accessibility information from AccessAble (Opens in a new window)
Elmstead Day Unit Building Accessibility information from AccessAble (Opens in a new window)
Elmstead Day Unit – Endoscopy Accessibility information from AccessAble (Opens in a new window)
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