Make choices about your care
Your choice in referral
You’ll usually need a GP referral to access hospital treatment, except in an emergency. If you’re referred for your first hospital appointment, in most cases you have the right to choose which hospital in England to go to and which consultant-led team you wish to be in charge of your care, as long as that team provides the treatment you require. This choice is a legal right.
You can find further information on your choices and how the NHS can help you choose on the NHS website (Opens in a new window).
What can I do if I’m not offered a choice?
You should always be offered a choice at the point of referral and an opportunity to discuss the options with the person referring you.
If you feel you have not been offered a choice, you should speak to the person who is referring you in the first instance.
If you still feel that you have not been offered a choice, there are a number of groups you can contact listed on the NHS website (Opens in a new window).
NHS Resources
The NHS and government websites have a number of resources regarding patient choice. Use the links below to find out more about your choices in your care.
Your choices in the NHS (Opens in a new window)
About NHS hospital services (Opens in a new window)
The NHS Choice Framework: what choices are available to me in the NHS? (Opens in a new window).
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