Top tips for getting the best out of your appointment


Get the best out of your appointment at ESNEFT

Before your appointment

  • Write down your most important questions, so that you remember to ask them
  • Write a list or bring all your medicines and pills. Include vitamins, supplements and non-prescription medications that you take
  • Write down details of your symptoms, including when they started and what makes them better or worse
  • Ask the hospital or GP surgery for an interpreter or communication support if you need

During your appointment

  • Don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t understand
  • If you don’t understand any words, ask for them to be written down and explained
  • Write things down or ask a family member or friend to take notes

Before you leave your appointment

  • Check that the doctor or nurse answered your questions, and that you understand the answers
  • Check that you know what should happen next, and when. Write it down
  • Ask who to contact if you have any more problems or questions
  • Ask about support groups and where to go for reliable information
  • Ask for copies of letters written about you.  You have the right to see these

After your appointment

  • Write down what you discussed and what happens next
  • Keep your notes
  • Book any tests that you can and put the dates in your diary
  • If you don’t get the results when you expect – ask for them
  • Ask what the results mean
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