Overseas Patients


Overseas patients at ESNEFT hospitals

The NHS is not free to everyone. The documents that you need to produce will be different depending on who you are and where you come from.

The NHS website (Opens in a new window) explains what documents you need to bring with you to an appointment at our hospitals.

Hospital staff will need to see your documents and copy them in order to send to the overseas patient manager. They may still need to speak to you, so please be prepared to leave contact details.

You may also be asked to complete more paperwork.

Our Emergency Department (A&E) will see everyone who has a medical emergency.

European Economic Area (EEA)/British Ex-Pats/Schedule 2 Patients

You can find out if you fall into this category by visiting the Government website. (Opens in a new window).

This category includes:

  • British subjects who currently reside abroad, the country you now live in is considered to be your home country
  • those living within the European Economic Area
  • schedule 2 patients who are those coming from countries that have a reciprocal arrangement with the UK

If you fit into this category you will need to bring:

  • passport
  • ID card (if you have one)
  • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If you are entitled to an EHIC but do not have one or have lost it, you can apply for a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC)
  • if you are coming to the UK for pre-planned treatment you should have an S2 in your possession

Non-EEA Patients

This is anyone living outside the EEA or the schedule 2 countries as above. To find out if this applies to you please visit the Government website (Opens in a new window).

You will need to bring:

  • your passport, as proof as of your identity
  • your visa or biometric resident’s permit
  • if you have paid the health surcharge we will need to see proof of this
  • if you are an asylum seeker you will need to produce your application registration card



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