Starting work at ESNEFT

If you are required to wear a uniform at work, your line manager will get in touch before your start date. They will make sure your uniform is ordered and ready for you.
Remember to visit the ESR Portal before you start working with us:
- to check your personal details are correct
- to add your next-of-kin details
Information about how to access the portal was sent as part of your Recruitment pack.
Within three days of your start date, log on to ESR using a Trust device and input your bank details. This is a secure way to give us your bank details and it will make sure we pay you on time.
Pay day at ESNEFT is the 26th of each month.
The Employee benefits page has information on leave, work-life balance, salary sacrifice schemes, pensions, and the discounts available to NHS staff.
You will be able to use the intranet to find out more about staff benefits when you have started work.
All new starters must attend a corporate induction covering subjects including:
- fire safety
- information governance
- infection prevention and control
You will attend an induction session soon after your start date.
ID badge
All staff must wear a photo ID card while on duty.
The card will also give you access to areas you need to visit while at work.
The ID badge team will contact your line manager when they are ready to issue your card.
Education and training
Your ESR (electronic staff record) will contain a record of all the training assigned to you in your new role, whether mandatory or role essential. The majority of this is completed as e-learning, either via ESR or another online system called Moodle, though for some staff there may be classroom-based sessions to attend too.
On the homepage of ESR you will see a portlet called ‘My Compliance’. This will list all outstanding training. You will also be able to check the training compliance tracker on the intranet once you have started, and this will show your compliance for all mandatory and role essential subjects.
You will receive ESR login details as an applicant, and once your start date is confirmed, you will be able to log in to complete your training. Please ensure this is completed as soon as possible after you start and you must be up to date within three months. You may be given time to complete training during your induction period, but please discuss with your manager if you are unsure. If you have classroom sessions to attend, you will be able to book onto these on ESR.
For clinical staff, some additional training is accessed via a system called Moodle and you will be emailed your login details before you attend induction.
If you require adult or paediatric basic life support training as part of your role, you will be emailed your login details by a company called Laerdal. These will be emailed to the address held within ESR, so please make sure it is correct. BLS training is a combination of e-learning and practical assessments at a simulation centre.
If you are joining ESNEFT from another NHS organisation, we should be able to transfer the training you have already completed, if it is compatible with ESNEFT training.
The digital learning team is available to help you. Our intranet page contains training guides, videos and an FAQ page. We can be contacted via the Employee Helpdesk.
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