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Consultant led units

Consultant led units

There are consultant led units at Ipswich and Colchester hospitals.

Birth in a consultant led unit is suitable if your pregnancy is complex.

There may be an increased likelihood of complications during birth, which means that rapid access to medical help is advisable or that very close observation of you or your baby is recommended.

Your care will be provided by a midwife, in conjunction with the consultant obstetrician, the anaesthetist and the neonatal doctors.

You may need a period of close observation after birth, which may require you to stay in the delivery suite for a while after birth.

During labour you can use Entonox, epidural and injected form of pain management during labour.  It may be possible to use water, depending on availability and the situation.

Wherever you birth your baby, our aim is to work in partnership with you to achieve the best birth possible.

Birthing partners

At Colchester and Ipswich hospitals you can have up to two birthing companions while you are in labour.

If the baby is born in an operating theatre, only one person can accompany you into theatre.

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