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Your first appointment

Your first pregnancy appointment

At this appointment you will meet your named midwife, who works as part of the community midwifery team.

You and your midwife will discuss your maternity and medical history. Please make your midwife aware of any medical conditions you have and any previous pregnancy and birth issues.

Knowing about your previous and current health enables us to recommend how your maternity care should be planned. If you are fit, well and healthy, we recommend that your maternity care is midwife-led. If you have any complications or health concerns we will recommend that you have consultant-led care throughout your pregnancy. Sometimes complications arise during pregnancy which would mean you would change from midwife-led care to shared care (consultant and midwife) for part of your pregnancy.

You and your midwife will talk through your choices about screening tests in pregnancy.

You and your midwife will talk through your choices about place of delivery.  There are two NHS publications called “Your choice where to have your baby” with information to help you decide.

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