About this service

Maternity Voices Partnership

The Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is an independent body that has been set up to listen to and speak for people who use or have used maternity services at ESNEFT hospitals.  The MVP would like to hear what you think about your maternity care – before, during and after your baby’s birth.
You can help shape local maternity services for the future.  Maternity Voices Partnerships are independent committees which influence and share in local decision makingAll people in the local area should be able to take part in an MVP by giving feedback or becoming service user members of an MVP.  Partners and families may also wish to give feedback or join a partnership.
If you have anything you want to feed back to the MVP – any good practice, or anything you feel should be changed, you can come along and share your views
The Colchester and Tendring MVP chair is Jo Roosenbeek.
The Ipswich MVP chair is Jo Cresdee.

Who attends the Maternity Voices Partnership?

  • maternity service users and families
  • charities and advocacy groups
  • commissioners
  • providers
  • statutory partners, including Healthwatch
  • clinical and managerial representation (midwives, obstetricians, neonatologists, members of the management and financial management team)

When and where does the MVP meet?

Maternity Voices Partnership meetings take place in a variety of locations, either during the day or in the evening, to be as accessible as possible to the widest number of service users.  Babies are always welcome to attend meetings.  You can find the latest dates of meetings by contacting the meeting chair.

Colchester Hospital MVP

Ipswich Hospital MVP

Email the Ipswich MVP chair or telephone 07944 070 362

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