Equality Act – ESNEFT’s information and compliance report
Under the Equality Act 2010, ESNEFT has a legal duty to publish a Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) report by 31 January every year. ESNEFT is required to positively promote equality for the nine protected characteristics and to consider how its service functions will affect people with different protected characteristics. These functions include policies, programmes, and services.
The duty supports good decision-making by helping decision-makers to understand how activities affect different people. It also requires public bodies to monitor the actual impact of the things they do and identify different groups of patients, service users and staff with protected characteristics who may need more support than others.
In addition, the Trust is required to:
- Annually publish information to demonstrate its compliance with the equality duty by 31 January each year.
- Prepare and publish one or more objectives, at least every four years. The objectives must be specific and measurable.
This year’s information report provides assurance to the Trust Board, our diverse workforce and all stakeholders that we are committed to complying with our equality duties under the Equality Act 2010. This year we have focused on giving a high level summary of our workforce and service user data, key equality initiatives implemented to improve staff and patient experience and our programme of work for the coming year.