Service Information
Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY)
Ipswich Diabetes Centre MODY service
The Ipswich MODY service is led by consultant Dr Zeenat Banu and diabetes specialist nurse Phoebe Parkinson.
MODY is caused by a genetic change in a single gene which is passed on by affected parents to their children. All children of an affected parent have a 50% chance of inheriting the gene and developing MODY.
The three main features of MODY
- Diabetes often develops before age 35
- Strong family history, one generation to the next
- It may be treated by diet or tablets and does not always require insulin treatment
There are different types of MODY. Identifying which one you have can help us to choose the most appropriate treatment for you. Knowing the type of MODY you have can help you understand your diabetes. We can advise on progression in the future.
It is important to know if you are thinking of planning a pregnancy.
Due to the 50% chance of inheriting MODY it is important to discuss this with your parents, siblings or children what MODY is and the signs and symptoms to look out for.
We can screen for MODY at the Ipswich Diabetes Centre. Your family member will need to get a referral from their GP to us for MODY screening.