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Critical care

Critical Care at ESNEFT

Critical Care is a term used for a ward which has two levels of care, these are Intensive Therapy and High Dependency.

Intensive Therapy

There is one nurse for each patient 24 hours a day. You will receive specialist monitoring and equipment to support the work of one or more your body’s organs.

High Dependency

If you require this level of care you may no longer need intensive therapy but you are not ready for the general wards. Or you may have come from other wards or theatre. There may be less specialist equipment and your nurse will be caring for two patients.

Visiting to the unit will be at the discretion of the nurse in charge.

Visiting times and items that you can bring in may be restricted, so please check with the staff.

We also have a follow up and outreach service.  Please check the specific services offered at the hospital you are attending.

Critical Care at Colchester Hospital

Critical Care is on the first floor in the main building.

Contact Critical Care at Colchester Hospital

You can also telephone 01206 742 387

01206 742 386

Critical Care at Ipswich Hospital

Critical Care is on the first floor of the Garrett Anderson Building – entrance 1A.

Contact Critical Care at Ipswich Hospital

You can also telephone 01473 707 325.

01473 702 800

Critical Care Outreach at Ipswich Hospital

The Critical Care Outreach Service is available 24 hours a day.

We can listen to your concerns. We can visit you on the ward and assess your current condition and situation. We can liaise with your nursing and medical teams. We can smooth your transition from Critical Care Unit to the ward. We can help if you need to be admitted to the Critical Care Unit from the ward

You can call us 24 hours a day if you or your family is concerned. You can ask the ward staff to bleep us from your phone, or you can contact us yourself.

Contact Critical Care Outreach at Ipswich Hospital

Telephone the hospital switchboard and ask for "bleep 732"

01473 712 233
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