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Bereavement assistance and support

Bereavement advice and information

Action for Family Carers

Action for Family Carers offer a free, confidential counselling service where adult carers can receive individual counselling sessions from qualified and trainee counsellors in Essex.

Action for Family Carers website (Opens in a new window)

Hope after Suicide Loss

Hope after Suicide exists to meet the complex needs of suicide bereavement.

Hope after Suicide Loss website (Opens in a new window)

Miscarriage Association

The Miscarriage Association offers support and information to anyone who is affected by the loss of a baby.

Miscarriage Association website (Opens in a new window)

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim care provides emotional support to victims and witnesses of traumatic deaths.

Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care website (Opens in a new window)

St Elizabeth Living Grief hub

St Elizabeth Hospice has a living grief hub, open to anyone in East Suffolk, even if you haven’t had contact with the hospice before.

St Elizabeth Hospice Living Grief hub (Opens in a new window)

St Helena Bereavement Support Service

St Helena Hospice has a Bereavement Support Service to help adults in north and mid Essex who have been bereaved, regardless of how or where their loved one died.

St Helena bereavement support services (Opens in a new window)

St Nicholas Hospice Care

St Nicholas Hospice Care provides support for children and young people living with bereavement and provides bereavement and wellbeing resources for adults.

St Nicholas Hospice Care website (Opens in a new window)

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