Urology Department
Colchester Hospital
01206 745 309
Having a transrectal ultrasound scan
This leaflet aims to answer your questions about having a transrectal ultrasound scan (TRUS).
What is a transrectal (TRUS) ultrasound scan?
A transrectal ultrasound scan will obtain images of the prostate, which lies at the front of your rectum (back passage). Ultrasound uses high frequency soundwaves to help create images of the internal organs.
During this examination, an ultrasound probe is inserted into the rectum in order to obtain high definition images of the prostate.
What to expect during TRUS
You will be asked to undress from the waist down and we will cover you with a sheet. You will be lying on your left side with your knees pulled up. The clean ultrasound probe is covered with a disposable protective sheath and lubricating gel is applied to the probe. The probe is then gently inserted into the rectum. You may feel the probe being moved from side to side, this is done in order to obtain the necessary images of the prostate. It may feel slightly uncomfortable. The scan should only take few minutes, however the time may vary depending on how clear the images obtained are. Although every attempt is made to keep the appointment on time, delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.
What happens after the scan?
The report will be sent to the doctor who requested the investigation. You may receive a further telephone follow up appointment to discuss further treatment plans.
What are the benefits of having the scan?
This scan will give the referring doctor a more accurate idea of the volume (size) of your prostate, which may affect your treatment.
Is there any alternative to TRUS?
An alternative to having a TRUS examination is to have a transabdominal pelvic ultrasound scan, performed with a filled bladder. However, this is not as accurate as the TRUS examination.
Are there any risks to TRUS?
Ultrasound is a safe procedure and there are no known risks from having a TRUS alone.
Asking for your consent
We want to involve you in decisions about your care and treatment. You will be asked if you are happy for the scan to be performed.-this is called verbal consent. By giving consent you agree to have the investigation and you understand what it involves. If you do not wish to have the scan or are undecided, please tell the doctor or nurse running the clinic. It is your decision and you can change your mind at any time. Please bear in mind that not having the scan may delay your treatment.
A chaperone will be present for all intimate scans.
Students/ trainees may be present during the examination but only with your verbal consent.
You can ask any questions you may have at any time before, during or after your scan.
Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns about coming for your TRUS scan, please contact Urology Department on: 01206 745 309
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