Care Coordination Centre
Constantine House
5 Constantine Road
Ipswich IP1 2DH
Tel: 0300 123 24 25
To ensure your call is directed to the most appropriate call handler,
please listen carefully to all of the options
Email: Suffolk Community Services Referrals
Care Coordination Centre
What is the Care Coordination Centre (CCC)?
The Care Coordination Centre is a contact centre that provides 24/7 support for patients and referrers across Suffolk and some services in north east Essex.
The CCC works closely with East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, and the Suffolk GP Federation.
We have a dedicated team of call analysts who have specialised training in referral management.
Services covered for Suffolk patients
Adult services (Suffolk)
- Bladder and Bowel Service
- Community Cardiac Rehab
- Community COPD
- Community Heart Failure
- Community Matrons
- Community Nurses
- Community Speech and Language Therapy
- Community Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
- EIT (Early Intervention Team, west Suffolk only)
- Enhanced Support at Home
- Falls Prevention
- Fracture Liaison Service (west Suffolk)
- Long COVID Assessment Service
- Neuro Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (west Suffolk only)
- Pulmonary Rehab
- Osteoporosis (east Suffolk)
- REACT (Reactive Emergency Assessment Community Team –
including nursing, east Suffolk only) - Respiratory Physiotherapy (east Suffolk only)
- Stoma Nursing Service (east Suffolk only)
- Virtual wards – call the number provided to you from your team
Paediatric services (Suffolk)
- Community Audiology
- Community Children’s Service
- Community Nursing
- Community Occupational Therapy
- Community Physiotherapy
- Community Speech and Language
Services covered for north east Essex patients
Adult services (north east Essex)
- Long COVID Assessment Service
Children’s services (north east Essex)
- Long COVID Assessment Service
The Long COVID Assessment Service is for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are experiencing ongoing issues after 12 weeks. Patients must be referred by their GP surgery.
Services not covered
Do not contact the CCC for the services below, please use the numbers listed:
- Allied Healthcare MSK – 0333 043 3966
- Child and Family Psychological Team – 01394 389 200
- Community Dentistry – 0300 555 6667
- Community Podiatry – 01473 921828
- Conveens (Traci Franks) – 07920 100 742 (for existing patients only, for new referrals please refer to the Bladder and Bowel Service).
- Customer First/Social services – 0800 917 1109
- Dermatology – 01473 704 169
- Dietitians – East 01473 704 000 or West 01284 713 668
- DIST (Dementia Intensive Support Team) East Suffolk – 01473 891 733 or 07852 769 172
- DIST (Dementia Intensive Support Team) West Suffolk – 01284 733 260
- Early Supported Discharge Stroke team – 03455 045 421
- Emotional Wellbeing Hub – 03456 002 090
- FAB Team – 01473 702 263
- HEARS Alarm Service (Ipswich and surrounding areas only) – 01473 433 236
- Learning Disabilities Team – 01473 237 028
- Mental Health Crisis Line – 0300 123 1334
- Paediatric Access and Assessment Team – 0300 123 1334
- Paediatric Bladder & Bowel – 03456 078 866
- Stoma Nurse west Suffolk only – 01284 712 872
Other useful numbers
- Anti-Coagulation/Warfarin Clinic – Ipswich 01473 703 228
- Anti-Coagulation/Warfarin Clinic – West Suffolk 01284 713 085
- ONTEX (incontinence pad suppliers) – 08000 837 222
- Macmillan Nursing – 08088 080 000
- Marie Curie – 08450 567 899
- Transport – 03009 996 666
- Medequip – 01473 351 805
Frequently asked questions
How do I contact the healthcare professionals directly?
The CCC is the main point of contact for the healthcare professionals listed, we will pass on messages or try to put you through to the clinician you need to speak to. Please have the following patient details ready when you call – full name, date of birth and address. Please also note that if you have been contacted by a clinician and the number you are asked to call back on is 0300 123 2425, this will not take you through to a clinician, we will follow the above process.
If your call is not urgent and you have access to the internet, you can email Suffolk community services referrals. Please ensure you provide your/the patient’s full details and your contact number/email.
What time will my visit be?
Unfortunately no appointment times can be given and you may be seen any time between the hours of 8am and 6pm (unless told otherwise).
Why has my day been changed for my visit, and why was I not told?
The resources we have are limited. Due to the nature of the service and the types of calls we receive it sometimes means that your appointment date is changed. The clinicians will do their best to contact you.
Can I order my bladder and bowel products through the CCC?
To order your next delivery of products from this service you need to contact ONTEX to activate your delivery on 08000 837 222. If you need to speak to an advisor or nurse, please call us and we will request this. If your products are no longer suitable, you will need to call or email us for a re-assessment with an advisor or nurse.
I have some equipment that was delivered by Medequip, how can this be collected?
You will need to call Medequip directly (01473 351 805) to collect the equipment. Most equipment should have a sticker on it with their contact details on.
If you would like to make a request for a leaflet to be produced in a different format please see our PALS contact page in order to contact the team and make a request. If you require a translation please see our translation information page. ESNEFT are actively attempting to achieve accessibility regulation compliance under the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
© East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, 2020-2024.
All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole, or in part,
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