Service Information
Reactive Emergency Assessment Community Team (REACT)
REACT provide care and support to patients within their own home, avoiding the need for them to come into hospital admission.
The REACT team are a multi-agency Urgent Community Response (UCR) team consisting of health, mental health, social care and voluntary sector staff.
REACT is a 24 hour, 7 day a week service.
Core hours of work are 8am to 8pm.
Last referrals in the Emergency Department are at 6pm and the REACT service is Monday to Sunday.
The Frailty Assessment Base closes at 6pm (Mon-Fri).
A night nurse service covers Ipswich and East Suffolk and a waking night sit service is available for patients who meet the criteria.
Members of the REACT team include:
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Mental health nurses
- Occupational therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Healthcare assistants
- Healthcare and therapy assistants
- Therapy assistant practitioners
- British Red Cross
- Suffolk Family Carers
What we do
REACT work with the Frailty Assessment Base (FAB), the Emergency Department (ED), and the Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU), making sure you do not stay in hospital any longer than you need to, and that you receive the remainder of your support in the community.
Calls for REACT are made via the Care Coordination Centre
0300 123