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Emergency Assessment Unit

Who comes to the ESNEFT EAUs?

You will come to the Emergency Assessment Unit (EAU) if you have seen your GP and they have arranged for you to come in for tests or treatment.

You may also come in if you have been seen in the Emergency Department and they want you to stay in hospital for further treatment or tests.

You will be seen by members of our Acute Medicine team.

Colchester Hospital EAU

At Colchester Hospital we are part of the Emergency department and we include:

Medical Day Unit (MDU)

At the Colchester Hospital MDU you can be tested, treated and discharged without needing to stay overnight.
Open 8:00am to 10:30pm.

Short Stay Unit (SSU)

You will be admitted to this ward if you only need to be in hospital for a short time.
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Observation Unit (OU)

You may be admitted here if you arrive in the evening and need to be seen by a specific doctor who is not available until the morning.

High Observation Unit (HOBs)

The HOB provides higher level care.

Colchester Hospital EAU reception

01206 742 162

Colchester Hospital EAU nurses station

01206 742 017

Colchester Hospital EAU secretary

Ipswich Hospital EAU

At Ipswich hospital, EAU consists of:

Capel Short Stay Unit

Assessment, treatment and discharge for patients with medical conditions who have an expected length of stay of 48 hours or more.

Brantham Assessment Unit and Bramford Ward

This is a trolley/chair assessment area where all urgent or emergency medical patients are seen and assessed.  A decision is made whether you need to stay in hospital.

Brantham Ward

Assessment, treatment and discharge for patients who have an expected length of stay of 24 hours.

Acute Medicine Same Day Emergency Care (AMSDEC)

Same-day assessment and management for patients who have been referred by their GP or by the Emergency Department.

Clinics for patients who have had a scan for suspected deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are held here.



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