About this service

Recovery support

The Long COVID team may advise you that some or all of these services would be useful to you as you recover.

English National Opera Breathe course

The team may refer you to this free six-week online programme of breathing exercises.

ENO website – breathe course (Opens in a new window)

Monitoring App

The ‘Living With’ app supports COVID recovery. It allows clinicians to monitor your condition progress remotely. This is through assessments like the Dyspnoea 12, trackers for medication, measurements, symptoms and a fatigue diary.

The app also provides access to a library of clinically validated articles, and there is two-way messaging included so you can ask non-urgent questions easily.

The team will show you how to use the app once you have downloaded it. We will issue you with a code or password to get access to it.

Wellbeing Suffolk Employment Support

Wellbeing Suffolk website (Opens in a new window)

Telephone: 0300 123 1503

NHS videos

The NHS have produced a series of videos for people who are struggling with the physical and mental effects of COVID-19 and recovery.

COVID Wellbeing Support website (Opens in a new window).



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