Women who experience two or more consecutive miscarriages in early pregnancy can now get specialist treatment and support following the launch of a dedicated clinic at Ipswich Hospital.
East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) held its first nurse-led recurrent miscarriage clinic at the Heath Road site yesterday (19 October).
The sessions give specialist nurses the chance to carry out investigations so that treatment to reduce the risk of future miscarriages can begin where necessary. This includes 3D pelvic scans and screening for blood clotting issues, diabetes, anaemia, hormone imbalances or thyroid problems.
The team (pictured) also work with families to make plans for their next pregnancy, which can include having scans every two weeks so that any issues can be picked up and treated at an early stage.

In addition, the nurses can offer emotional and practical support, as well as a referral for counselling or genetic tests if a patient suffers another loss.
Joanna Cook, consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology and lead for pre-term birth and early pregnancy at Ipswich Hospital, said: “We are really pleased to launch this dedicated clinic, which will offer support and investigations to women who have experienced losses while also helping them prepare for their next pregnancy.
“It is being run by our specialist nurses in early pregnancy, who fully understand the impact of a loss and the grief response which can follow. They will offer a holistic service which will focus on caring for the woman and her partner, both emotionally and physically.
“Importantly, we can also help identify underlying causes and provide treatment wherever possible to reduce the risks in a future pregnancy. Although any loss can cause a lot of worry and sadness, the outlook for most women is positive if the right help is put in place.
“We hope the new clinic will provide continuity of care between the gynaecology clinic and our early pregnancy unit, at what can be a very difficult time.”
The clinics take place monthly and will be run by a team of three specialist nurses, while Miss Cook will support more complex cases. Women can be referred by their GP or by any hospital team.
ESNEFT is also looking to introduce a dedicated nurse-led clinic in Colchester, where women who experience recurrent miscarriages are currently supported by the gynaecology team.
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