Colchester Hospital has secured funds to take part in a pioneering study aimed at improving the treatment of people with venous leg ulcers.
The hospital is being supported by Medi UK to conduct a randomised research trial on the Juxta Cures™ device, as an alternative to traditional compressed bandaging. The device has a built-in pressure system that helps patients apply correct and consistent pressure, which can be re-adjusted, unlike a normal bandage.
The trial has been set up to evaluate whether the device is easier for patients to tolerate, requires less nursing care in the community and avoids the need for bandages, promoting self-care. The hospital would like people with venous leg ulcers to take part in the study and assessments are available at Colchester, Clacton, Harwich and Halstead.
After assessment, and if suitable, users would be randomly given either a normal bandage or Juxta Cures device to wear. A venous leg ulcer is the most common type of leg ulcer, accounting for more than 90% of all cases, and can develop after a minor injury, where persistently high pressure in the veins of the legs has damaged the skin.
This is a regional vascular specialist centre in a leading hospital. This type of research is ideal for the centre and for local people and the trial offers another possible treatment for patients with venous leg ulcers. We are trying to find out whether the Juxta Cures device is equal treatment to current compression bandaging.
– Consultant vascular surgeon Adam Howard
Patients will receive continuity of care with a dedicated vascular nurse on a weekly basis and have access to a vascular consultant specialist. Appointments can be offered on a flexible basis to suit individual needs.
-Vascular research nurse Carroll Petty
If you are interested in being part of the trial, more information is available from vascular research nurse Carroll Petty on 01206 746229 or leg ulcer nurse, Helen Langthorne on 01206 748326.
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