02/11/2018 | Announcements

New home for Wheelchair Services




The Wheelchair Services team in north Essex has now moved to Clacton Hospital.

The service and its staff, which had been based at Essex County Hospital, relocated to Clacton Hospital this week ahead of the Lexden Road site being handed over to developers, Essex Homes.

All existing services will leave the 200-year-old hospital, which is due to close its doors on November 30, over the course of the next month.

The Transfer of Essex County Hospital Services Project team organised two engagement events in Colchester and Clacton so those who use the service, as well as family members and carers, could ask questions and share their views about the move.

Durban Ward at Clacton will house the service for the next two years while a suitable, permanent location is found.

Paul Fenton, Director of Estates and Facilities at East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT), said: “We need time to make sure we get the right premise, it will be much better to design the service around the people who use it and make sure it works.

“We are setting up a user group because we need engagement from the service users to make sure the building is right. We will work with them to find a permanent location that meets their requirements.”

Around 2,200 people use the service and they were all written to by the project team with feedback from the engagement events, including the frequently asked questions and new contact details.

The short-term loan wheelchair charity is also now based at Clacton Hospital.

The team can now be contacted on 01255 201771 or via their Facebook page, just search for North east Essex Wheelchair Service.

The new address is Clacton Hospital, Tower Road, Clacton, Essex, CO15 1LH

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