A range of new equipment which makes it easier for clinicians to examine their patients’ eyes has been introduced at Ipswich Hospital thanks to a donation from a charitable fund.

Ophthalmologist Vasileios Kostakis
The ophthalmology department was presented with £37,000 following a successful bid to the Fonnereau Road Health Foundation Fund, which provides grants for equipment which will improve physical and mental health of people in Suffolk
The money has been used to purchase a portable slit lamp, which helps doctors examine the anterior segment of the eye in very young patients, as well as people who are bed bound or have special needs. An indirect ophthalmoscope has also been introduced to examine the posterior segment of the eye, and will benefit the same groups of patients.
The team also brought a slit lamp and adjustable table, which prevents patients from having to get out of their wheelchair for an examination, as well as a handheld autorefractor and keratometer, which is used prior to cataract surgery and in complex contact lens fitting.

Orthoptist Dawn Elwell
Dawn Elwell, head orthoptist at the hospital, said: “We are very grateful to have received this donation and would like to thank the foundation for their generosity.
Back to top“The equipment is used on a daily basis and is already making a real difference to many of our patients.”