ESNEFT and UNISON, alongside our Joint Union Committee colleagues have worked for a number of years to resolve the healthcare support worker (HCSW) backpay arrangements. We have genuinely worked in partnership, developing education pathways and agreeing, through collective negotiation, an accepted offer around backpay.
ESNEFT and UNISON have both acknowledged that there has been miscommunication and misunderstanding around the implementation of backpay, specifically as it relates to recognition of length of service.
We are conscious that discussions have been ongoing for a long period of time which has resulted in uncertainty for ESNEFT staff and UNISON members. Therefore, we are pleased to confirm that, in order to reduce any further uncertainty for ESNEFT staff and UNISON members in scope for the backpay arrangements, we have agreed jointly that for the calculation of backpay, payments will be limited to 1 April 2021 taking in to account length of service in a HCSW role prior to that date.
Examples of this means that if you were continuously employed in a HCSW role from 1 April 2019 you will move to the top of band 3, at 1 April 2021 or if you were continuously employed in a HCSW role from 1 April 2020 you will move to the top of band 3, at 1 April 2022. Please note that your incremental date will be unchanged.
There are no other adjustments to the calculation and those who are eligible for any of the ex gratia payments, will retain that entitlement.
For many colleagues, the backpay you have already received will remain unchanged. For those, where a revised calculation is required, we have agreed that we will undertake this over a period of six months. ESNEFT will complete all existing, outstanding payments prior to undertaking any re-calculations.
UNISON will no longer be balloting members for industrial action on this issue.
To enable a swift and final resolution of this matter, both the Trust and UNISON have agreed not to make any further comment. Any further issues on this topic that arise will be discussed in partnership between the Trust and UNISON.
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