Enjoy the sunshine and stay well
Here are some top tips to keep well during the heatwave:
- If you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 111 and they will make sure you receive the advice and care you need
- Keep hydrated – if you’re feeling thirsty, lightheaded, dizzy or tired, you may be dehydrated. Make sure you have plenty of non-alcoholic cold drinks available and drink enough so that your pee is a pale clear colour. You can also get hydration from a variety of foods
- Keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home, with medicines such as paracetamol which can treat a number of everyday illnesses
- Take early action– seek advice from your local pharmacy if you have a long term health condition and are starting to feel unwell before it gets more serious. Further advice can be found at: nhs.uk/staywell (Opens in a new window)
- Use Emergency Services wisely– please only call 999 when it’s a serious injury or a life threatening situation such as unconsciousness, heavy loss of blood, severe chest pain or stroke
- Drink alcohol sensibly – intersperse your alcoholic drinks with water and stick to safe levels
- Daily/weekly heatwave updates can be found on the Met Office website (Opens in a new window)