14/08/2024 | Press releases

Group launched to help women with gynaecological issues

A group that helps women with gynaecological issues ‘to be heard’ has launched in Ipswich. 

Women’s Health Hope was founded by Monica Thomas, who experienced a long, difficult journey on the way to a diagnosis of Lichen Sclerosus (LS) – one of many lesser-known conditions that can go undiagnosed or be difficult to talk about. 

The group meets on the first Tuesday of every month, between 6.30pm and 8pm, in the gynaecology clinic at Ipswich Hospital (entrance 7). 

A photograph of Monica Thomas wearing a pink polo shirt and cream trousers, stood outside the entrance to the gynaecology clinic at Ipswich Hospital.

Women’s Health Hope founder Monica Thomas

Monica said: “Many women feel isolated, alone, unheard – that the symptoms are in their head – and many do just put up with it and suffer. Nationally, I think it’s a problem. 

“I founded Women’s Health Hope to advocate for women, provide education, and allow them a safe space to feel heard and connected. 

“Ipswich Hospital is very aware of the difficulties women face and has been really onboard with the service and keen to get it in place.” 

At the monthly meetings, Monica is joined by healthcare professionals from ESNEFT, the trust that runs Ipswich Hospital. 

They can signpost to other services, give advice on subjects such as menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome and vulvodynia, and learn from members’ experiences. 

Monica said: “We try and keep it light, positive, and fun. I want women to go away feeling empowered. 

“At the sessions we offer interactive games, educational activities and raise awareness about subjects that are not always discussed.” 

The Government’s first Women’s Health Strategy included a commitment to make sure women’s voices are heard by healthcare professionals and a drive to tackle taboos and stigmas, such as periods and menopause. 

The report heard that 84% of women surveyed had experiences of not being listened to and had conditions such as heavy and painful periods trivialised. 

Monica said: “Last year I was diagnosed with LS and realised maybe more had been going on. 

“Ten years ago, I sought help for suspected endometriosis, and I wasn’t listened to very well. I didn’t have any tests but was told there was nothing wrong with me. 

“I am now in the process of getting a diagnosis for endometriosis. It’s been difficult.” 

Women’s Health Hope is applying for charity status and the ambition is to expand to Colchester Hospital and further afield around East Anglia.

Aside from a donation from Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity, the group is funded solely by Monica. 

For more details visit the Women’s Health Hope website or contact Monica Thomas on 07512 739722.

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