24/09/2024 | Press releases

Extra support for people who care for someone with dementia

The families and carers of people living with dementia are being invited to a new communication group where they can get expert tips and advice to help support their loved ones.

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust’s (ESNEFT) community speech and language team will be offering strategies and resources to help families and carers to manage communication changes and swallowing difficulties.

They have arranged three sessions, which will take place:

  • Thursday 3 October at 9.30am in the gym at the Fryatt Hospital in Harwich.
  • Wednesday 16 October at 10am in the committee room at Clacton Hospital.
  • Thursday 14 November at 10am in Clingoe House at the University of Essex.

Grace Clark, speech and language therapist with ESNEFT, said: “A diagnosis of dementia can be challenging for both the patient and their families and carers, which is why we want to do what we can to offer help and support.

“During these sessions, we will be offering advice on feeding, swallowing and communication strategies to families and carers. It will also give them a valuable opportunity for peer support and to meet others in a similar situation.”

For more information, contact Grace by emailing Grace.clark@esneft.nhs.uk.

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