08/10/2018 | Press releases

Essex County Hospital update

A date has been set for services to move out of Colchester’s Essex County Hospital (ECH).

The doors will close and the final patient will be seen at the hospital, which is nearly 200-years-old, on Friday, 30 November.

As part of plans to improve services and facilities for patients, all of the remaining clinical services provided at the Lexden Road site will be transferred in phases to the Colchester Primary Care Centre (PCC) which is undergoing a £6.4million redevelopment.

The key dates for the move are:

  • 9 November PCC building works complete
  • 22 November Ophthalmic services at ECH end
  • 28 November All Ophthalmic services launch at PCC
  • 29 November Last Oral Surgery patient at ECH
  • 30 November Last Ear Nose and Throat and Audiology patient at ECH
  • 30 November Last patient at ECH
  • 3 December Oral Surgery services launch at PCC
  • 4 December Ear Nose and Throat and Audiology services launch at PCC

Wheelchair Services will move to Clacton Hospital on October 31 where the team will be based on Durban Ward from November 2.

All other non-clinical and support services will transfer to Colchester Hospital by 30 November.

ESNEFT’s Director of Estates Paul Fenton said: “We know Essex County Hospital is held dear in the hearts of so many people in the town, but it is no longer fit for purpose and we want to do better for the communities we serve.

“The improved facilities at the PCC will have a knock-on effect on patient experience and provide a more modern environment for our staff to work in.”

Patients will be informed about new contact telephone numbers, which are changing for all departments, and maps of the PCC will be provided.

Volunteers will also be on hand to help people find their way to appointments in the new building and use the self-check-in machines.

ESNEFT will hand over the 4.5 acre site to Essex Housing, who are set to build 100 homes on the land, by Christmas.

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