Patients who may have broken a bone could benefit from AI technology checking their x-ray.
In addition to doctors at East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) viewing patients’ x-rays, AI is being used to scan thousands of x-rays to see if there’s a fracture.
The technology is called Boneview, which aims to help staff identify fractures early and prioritise patients who have had a fracture detected by the technology that may be missed by the naked eye.
Dr James Hathorn is a consultant radiologist at ESNEFT. He said: “Hundreds of x-rays are taken each week of patients who have suffered trauma and may have broken a bone. Every single x-ray will continue to be reviewed by a clinician in A&E and a radiologist or radiographer. This AI will help the doctors in A&E 24 hours a day and we will look at whether the technology can speed up the process – prioritising those patients likely to have had a fracture.
“We hope this will be particularly beneficial, for example, when a patient x-ray is being viewed by a doctor and their x-ray may not be reviewed by radiology for some time.”
Boneview will be running at Ipswich Hospital, Colchester Hospital and the Urgent Treatment Centre at Clacton Hospital and has been supported by the Trust’s Innovation Team.
James added: “This is a tool we are using in addition to our existing process. All x-rays are reviewed by qualified professionals, but we’re hoping it will help improve A&E turnaround and improve the patient experience.”
Screenshot of system
Boneview™ is a product developed and owned by a company called Gleamer and will be used at ESNEFT hospitals until June 2025.
Daniel Jones, Business Director at Gleamer, said: “It’s wonderful to see our AI system, BoneView, in use at ESNEFT. Throughout this project we hope to demonstrate significant impact on fracture pathways within the Trust, meaning faster and better outcomes for patients.
“By integrating and monitoring our advanced AI solutions at ESNEFT, we aspire to not only augment patient care at a local level but also leverage these valuable insights to further enhance healthcare delivery across the country.”
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