A teaching aid which will help develop clinical skills and expand the pre-registration education curriculum at ESNEFT has arrived at Colchester Hospital.
The pre-registration team received the world’s first Nursing Anne Simulator from Laerdal last week. It has been brought to the Trust to support student learning and practice, and also in preparation for changes to NMC standards.
These standards have taken changes in society and healthcare into account and, therefore, the expectations of the future nurse in terms of their role, knowledge and skill requirements. The new standards require nurses to be capable of what was once thought of as extended skills, which means they now need to be proficient in these at the point of registration.
Therese Elliott, professional practice lead, said:
“This simulator will be used alongside other education resources to help us deliver and improve the already comprehensive curriculum we have developed to support student learning whilst in practice and the new standards.
Utilising a simulator allows students to enhance their learning, increase knowledge and confidence within a safe environment, so limiting risks to patients. This nursing Anne has life like characteristics including spontaneous breathing, blinking eyes, blood pressure and pulse, as well as being anatomically accurate giving learners the opportunities to undertake lifelike assessments.”
Despite its name, the simulator will be used to support all pre-registration learners in practice, including Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Therapy.
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