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Sexual health, HIV and family planning

Sexual health, HIV and family planning

Free, confidential, non-judgemental services that are available to everyone regardless of sex, age, ethnic origin and sexual orientation.

The service offers:

  • testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs)
  • pregnancy tests
  • contraception
  • general sexual health advice, counselling and support

NHS website – Sexually Transmitted Infections (Opens in a new window)

Colchester and North Essex sexual health service

These services are is run by Provide which is a partnership of organisations including ESNEFT

Essex Sexual Health service website (Opens in a new window)

Call: 0300 003 1212

HIV service (the Maria Clinic)

66 High Street Clinic, Colchester CO1 1DN.

We provide care for persons living with HIV infection.  Our HIV clinics are run by a HIV consultant and HIV clinical nurse specialist.

Clinic days are from Monday to Thursdays 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4pm.

Please call 01206 745 368 to speak to our HIV Clinical Nurse Specialist, or 01206 745 374 to speak to the department PA.

Suffolk Sexual Health Service

This service is not provided by ESNEFT.

Suffolk Sexual Health Service (Opens in a new window)

Call: 0300 303 9982


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