Service Information
Safeguarding adults and children
Our Safeguarding duty
ESNEFT hospital and community service teams have an absolute and unequivocal duty to care and protect all patients from abuse and provide additional measures for patients who are less able to protect themselves.
We have safeguarding teams that you can contact if you are worried about a patient.
Adult safeguarding
Colchester Hospital adult safeguarding
Tel: 07768 560 533
Email the Colchester Hospital adult safeguarding team
Colchester and Tendring Community Service adult safeguarding
Tel: 07432 564 688
Ipswich Hospital adult safeguarding
Tel: 07506 056 963
You can also telephone Ipswich Hospital switchboard on 01473 712233 and ask for ‘safeguarding adult lead’.
Email the Ipswich Hospital adult safeguarding team
Suffolk Community Service adult safeguarding
Tel: 07940 472 222
Child Safeguarding
Colchester Hospital child safeguarding
Tel: 07917 173 935
Email the Colchester Hospital child safeguarding team
Ipswich Hospital child safeguarding
Tel: 07508 507 794
You can also telephone Ipswich Hospital switchboard on 01473 712233 and ask for ‘named safeguarding children nurse’.
Maternity Safeguarding
Colchester Hospital maternity safeguarding
Tel: 07801 097 597
Email the Colchester Hospital maternity safeguarding team
- Dementia Nurse, 07768 560 482
- Learning Disabilities and Autism Nurse Specialist, 07774 889 067
- Safeguarding Children Specialist Practitioner, 07925 339 795
- Safeguarding Adults Specialist Practitioner, 07548 802 307 or 07925 339 795
Ipswich Hospital maternity safeguarding
Tel: 07710 646 163
You can also telephone Ipswich Hospital switchboard on 01473 712 233 and ask for ‘named safeguarding midwife’.
Email the Ipswich Hospital maternity safeguarding team
- Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Complex Health, 07394 401 150
- Head of Safeguarding Families, 07592 103 889
- Dementia Nurse, 07864 970 725
- Learning Disabilities and Autism Nurse Specialist, 07539 323 041
- Safeguarding Children Specialist Practitioner, 07395 836 783 or 07525 922 129
ESNEFT and our community partners are committed to ensuring that we meet the statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and the unborn under Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 and Adults with Care and Support Needs, in accordance with the Care Act 2014.
Advocates can help you when decisions are being made about your health, care and wellbeing. An advocate is an independent professional who is on your side.
How to report concerns
If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child, young person or unborn baby
Report a concern about a child – Essex County Council (Opens in a new window)
Essex Social Services (Opens in a new window) 0345 603 7627
Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership (Opens in a new window)
Suffolk Social Services – children (Opens in a new window) Customer First 0808 800 4005
If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of an adult
Essex Adult Social Care (Opens in a new window) 0345 603 7630
Suffolk Social Services – adults (Opens in a new window) Customer First 0808 800 4005