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Head and neck cancers

Head and neck cancers at Colchester Hospital

The team who will care for you at Colchester Hospital includes:

  • cancer and ENT consultants
  • nurse specialists
  • speech and language therapists
  • dieticians


Advice and support

The Macmillan website has useful information about the different kinds of head and neck cancers, the tests, how tumours are graded and the treatment options.

Macmillan website (Opens in a new window).

You can contact or visit our Cancer wellbeing centre at Colchester Hospital or the John Le Vay centre at Ipswich Hospital. Both centres are relaxed environments offering various services before, during and after your treatment.

Patients who have been affected by a cancer diagnosis may be able to apply for a Macmillan grant to support with household or travel costs.

Some patients who are palliative may be eligible for a DS1500 payment, your clinician can advise if you fit the criteria.

All patients who have a diagnosis of cancer are entitled to free prescriptions.

Contact the ENT team at Colchester Hospital

Telephone the Colchester Hospital switchboard and ask for the ENT team.

01206 747 474

Chemotherapy Unit at Colchester Hospital

Phone the main hospital switchboard and ask for the Collingwood Centre.

01206 747 474

Ipswich Hospital

Contact the ENT team at Ipswich Hospital

Contact the Ipswich Hospital switchboard and ask for the ENT team.

01473 712 233




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