04/08/2023 | Press releases

‘The sessions are brilliant – they give me a lift for the whole week’

People living with inflammatory arthritis in the Ipswich area are being encouraged to join “brilliant” exercise sessions which are specially tailored to help ease their symptoms.

The rheumatoid arthritis group gives patients the chance to take part in guided exercise sessions in the physiotherapy gym and hydrotherapy pool at Ipswich Hospital, which is run by East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT). The weekly sessions also give participants the chance to socialise with others and share any tips which help them manage their condition.

Glenda Collins lives near Hadleigh and suffers from arthritis in her hands and wrists. She has been going to the group for nearly six years and credits it as helping to ease her symptoms.

“Taking part in the exercises has been really beneficial for me,” she said. “It is a real luxury to be able to get into the water and the sessions are just brilliant – they really give me a lift for the whole week.

“My arthritis causes inflammation and pain which stops me from doing a lot of things, but the exercises definitely help. I also really enjoy working in a group as seeing other people with similar problems doing the exercises gives me confidence.

“I’d encourage anyone with inflammatory arthritis to come along and give it a go. We’re a really cheerful, friendly group and there’s a great atmosphere at the sessions. It’s a marvellous opportunity to use a hydrotherapy pool, but if you don’t like the water you can still take part in the seated exercises – it is really flexible and you can do whatever suits you.”

The group takes place every Thursday between 6pm and 8pm at Ipswich Hospital. Anyone who is interested in finding out more can email Ra.Group@esneft.nhs.uk

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