02/04/2024 | Press releases

Nominations open for governor elections

Members of East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) are being invited to consider standing for election to its Council of Governors.

The Trust, which runs Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals together with a range of community health services, is asking for nominations to fill 17 vacancies.

This includes three public governor seats in Colchester and four in the rest of Essex, as well as three in Ipswich and two in the rest of Suffolk. ESNEFT also wants to fill five staff governor seats.

To be eligible to stand for election, people must:

You do not need any specific qualifications, just an interest in healthcare and a commitment to representing the diverse needs of our staff and community to the best of your ability.

Anyone who would like to stand for election will need to complete their nomination by 5pm on Thursday 25 April. Anyone who is a public or staff member of ESNEFT will then be able to vote from late May, with the successful candidates declared on 14 June. The new governors will start their role on 1 July.

More information, together with a nomination form, is available online.

For further help, please contact the returning officer by calling 020 8889 9203 or emailing ftnominationenquiries@cesvotes.com

More information about our Council of Governors and its work is available online.

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