05/02/2024 | Press releases

Keep yourself safe from falls this February

People are being urged to check the rubber stoppers on their walking aids as part of a new campaign which aims to help reduce falls.

“Ferrule February” is encouraging people to take a moment to make sure the stoppers are in good condition. This includes checking the ferrule for cracking or wear around the edges, as well as making sure it fits the walking aid well.

The campaign is being run by East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) and hopes to help reduce falls, which can lead to injuries such as hip fractures and impact people’s independence and quality of life.

A poster reminding people who use walking aids to check the rubber stoppers at the bottom

Sue Voules, clinical specialist physiotherapist, said: “We see a lot of patients come for appointments with bald ferrules, while some do not have a stopper on their walking aid at all. This can be dangerous and increase the risk of a fall and hospital stay.

“So please remember to regularly check your walking aids and replace the ferrule if necessary. It only takes a second but can make a huge difference.”

During the month, volunteers will be on hand to check and replace worn ferrules at Ipswich Hospital, while new stoppers will also be available at the physio reception.


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